Planet Bag provides high quality branded bags--but even high-quality bags will last longer with just a little care. Here are some great tips for keeping your promotional bags in the best condition for longer.

  • Do not overfill bags. This can stretch the material and the handles, reducing the bag's useful lifespan.
  • Do not throw or drop bags -- this is common sense, but it is surprising how many people mistreat bags. This can be bad for both the bag and its contents.
  • Be careful where you place your bag when outside, or on public transport.
  • Be careful about keeping drinks or other cold objects in your bag. The condensation can get the inside of your bag wet.
  • Do not leave food in any bag for an excessive period. It can easily go bad, leaving an unpleasant smell.
  • Do not put sharp objects in your bag, unless they are held in containers.
  • Do not put uncapped pens in your bag.
  • Clean your bag regularly.
  • Do not leave bags close to heaters or other sources of ignition.